
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Quizzical Quarantine Questions

 Hi, I'm Tayla and this is my maths work that I have done over the last week. It is all about me shooting a ball into a hoop as much as I can in 1 minute. The first video is of my teacher doing it and we had to copy. Also we had to do the challenge 5 times and video. This was hard and some times frustrating.
Do you like basketball?           Do you like shooting?

Monday, April 20, 2020

My sock bunny

Hi, I'm Tayla and today I made a no-sew sock bunny. I made it with a spare sock we had lying around and I never thought it would turn out looking like this. This was an afternoon task. This task was fun and my siblings had to help me a bit. Do you think you could make one of these?
Do you like the look of it?

Friday, April 17, 2020

Lock down data detectives

 Hi, I'm Tayla and this is my maths work. It is about what I have in my fridge and freezer. This task was fun and it was a bit hard to make the bar graph. Do you like making charts and graphs?

Thursday, April 16, 2020

My mum

Hi, I'm Tayla and this is the writing that I did. It is a fictional story about my mother. Some parts are true and others are fake. This task was fun. Do you like writing fictional stories?

my reading work

 Hi, I'm Tayla and this is the reading work that I did. a few pages are the story and the others are questions that we had to answer about that page number it said on top. This task was fun. Do you like reading books?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Ariana the pony

 Hi, I'm Tayla and this is my story that I write about a my story, I had to include at least three of the following a pony, baseball cap, a lamp, a banana, and a movie theater. I included all of them.
do you like writing?
do you like ponies?