Kia Ora Bloggers this week we have been doing pervasive writing and we had to make a plan on what to write. I did my piece on Why Organic food is better than GMOs. I did my plan on a padlet. I found this really interesting and there were a lot of facts about it.
Kia ora, I am a student at Marshland School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Friday, September 24, 2021
Friday, September 3, 2021
My Quirky Quick Write
Kia Ora bloggers, At the start of every literacy session we do a quick write. We have to take inspiration from a picture and write as much as we can in 10 minutes. After 10 minutes is done, The teacher goes on a spinner wheel with everyone's name and spins it. Whoever it lands on has to share what they write. Also each week we have a focus like this week is personification, and in other weeks we have done similes, metaphors, and Alliteration. Thursday's picture was a door that leads to nowhere and had wooden boats everywhere. Here is the picture and what I write about it.